Monday, July 4, 2011

PCP Day 34

Indulgence - Have been thinking about this for a while. We have been allowed to go off-piste and eat a menu item that is not on the PCP diet. I think i thought about this for so long that i thought I would just skip it. I was googling calorie counts for all sorts of things but still couldn't decide.

1/3 a box of BBQ Shapes is around 350
1 Choux Creme(read Custard Profiterole outside of Japan) is about 375
80gms of Cadbury Chocolate is around 400

In the end, I chose one of my favourite restaurants in Tokyo, Beacon, for lunch. They are mostly known for their steaks which I miss terribly but also have a great brunch menu and serve some pretty decent sandwiches. This is Finn at around 1 and a half weeks and me at about 117kgs.

I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread with no mayo/sauce (no indulgence there) and a virgin mary. Their Bloody Mary's are the best - very spicy with the rim coated in a salt and pepper mix which was my first bit of "added" salt to anything I have eaten for a month. I can't believe how good it was. I almost licked the salt and pepper straight off the glass but managed to ration it until the end of the drink.

When the sandwich came I was shocked to see that it came with heaps of golden, delicious looking french fries. I managed to push most of them off the plate to give to the hungry kids down the table but kept a few - i think around 15, to eat. They were awesome however I now realise that i can't eat mountains of chips/fries and expect to be healthy and fit. I have always been one for exchanging salads and vegetables sides of meals to french fries/chips/any other type of fried potato but I think this may be a thing of the past.

I did count them as part of my veggies for the meal though.



  1. Yes, the mental breakthrough you made here is recognizing that you're perfectly free to have the french fries, but that the consequence of that choice is as unpleasant as the fries are delicious. Good stuff man, you'll love the changes that come this month!

  2. I think everybody has a photo in front of that window. We love Beacon for brunch too. Their spicy breakfast burrito is super yum.

    Is 80 g of chocolate 400 kcal.. no wonder I love cadburys so much.
