Indulgence - Have been thinking about this for a while. We have been allowed to go off-piste and eat a menu item that is not on the PCP diet. I think i thought about this for so long that i thought I would just skip it. I was googling calorie counts for all sorts of things but still couldn't decide.
1/3 a box of BBQ Shapes is around 350
1 Choux Creme(read Custard Profiterole outside of Japan) is about 375
80gms of Cadbury Chocolate is around 400
In the end, I chose one of my favourite restaurants in Tokyo, Beacon, for lunch. They are mostly known for their steaks which I miss terribly but also have a great brunch menu and serve some pretty decent sandwiches. This is Finn at around 1 and a half weeks and me at about 117kgs.
I ordered the grilled chicken sandwich on wheat bread with no mayo/sauce (no indulgence there) and a virgin mary. Their Bloody Mary's are the best - very spicy with the rim coated in a salt and pepper mix which was my first bit of "added" salt to anything I have eaten for a month. I can't believe how good it was. I almost licked the salt and pepper straight off the glass but managed to ration it until the end of the drink.
When the sandwich came I was shocked to see that it came with heaps of golden, delicious looking french fries. I managed to push most of them off the plate to give to the hungry kids down the table but kept a few - i think around 15, to eat. They were awesome however I now realise that i can't eat mountains of chips/fries and expect to be healthy and fit. I have always been one for exchanging salads and vegetables sides of meals to french fries/chips/any other type of fried potato but I think this may be a thing of the past.
I did count them as part of my veggies for the meal though.